I love the ‘outdoors’ and and have always been mesmerised by the effect of light on it and the attendant colour changes. No two moments are the same. As the sun moves, light angles shift; we know light doesn’t bend but it often seems like it does, such are the subtle shifts in colour, its ‘temperature’ and tone. Light hits the earth, reflected light bounces everywhere and shadows shift around us. Add the elements and the permutations are mind-boggling. What a world.
The sad part is that however necessary and useful technology is for us, we spend most of our time looking down.
So, in my small way, I’m here to help… In the links above are my ‘battles’ to capture the light, colour and beauty around us so that we can put them up on the wall, pause, look and reflect. Click on a painting to view it in more detail and then, if you wish, click VIEW IN YOUR ROOM and download the app to view it in your own space via augmented reality.
I hope you enjoy them.